Project 365, 2022, Weeks 36, 37, 38
Somehow these postings for my Project 365 seem to have gotten away from me and I am so far behind. But, I decided to post a few each week until I’m caught up with shooting. Full disclosure - I did not finish this project. I began traveling and other things filled in the time that I would have been working on this. So, again, I’m clustering a few together in order to get caught up since I’m months behind in sharing.

Project 365, 2022, Week 28
Project 365, 2022, Week 28 continued with my trip to Glacier Bay, Alaska with a week full of wild animals, amazing landscapes, and glaciers.

Project 365, 2022, Week 26
Week 26 included images taken with the Lensbaby Sweet 35 attached to a 12 mm extension tube. I also made visits to cemeteries to photograph headstones.