Aspens in Autumn Yellow | northern California landscape photographer
Autumn! Like many of you, it's my favorite time of year. After a warm summer (okay, HOT), the cooling temperatures are welcome. Crisp mornings and cool evenings with lovely, comfortable days. They're the best! But those changing colors are what I really look forward to in fall.

Visiting Roan Mountain | northern California landscape photographer
Several summers ago was a whirlwind. And, it all started with a trip to North Carolina to visit and photograph with my friends Kathy Roberts and Jennifer Carr. Kathy opened her beautiful home to us and created a photographer's dream schedule for us beginning with Roan Mountain on our first full day there.

Seven Recommendations for Beach Photography | Northern California fine art photography
The beach is one of my favorite landscapes to visit and to photograph. I've been shooting there since I first began learning photography. Here are a few recommendations for things I've learned about photographing at the beach.

Learn Photography | Sacramento photographer
I can help you with photographing your intended subject, teach you a few editing skills, and/or help you pull a portfolio together. To learn more about my photography mentoring, go to my page on Personalized Mentoring. Take a look and then contact me with your questions. As a trained educator with years of experience, I'm sure I can help you with your photography.

Kitchen Window View | still life photography
Finding the pretty in your everyday can seem a bit daunting. But, it's there if you look. I can see it especially well when I'm looking at the light. And, that's really what photography is about. Light. These photos of my kitchen sink window view were shot using back light.