Five Tips for Beating the Photography Doldrums | Northern California Photographer
You've been there. When you were first bitten by the photography bug, you were obsessed. Everything involved photography. You couldn't image being stuck in the 'photography doldrums'. Learning everything you could about photography was your primary goal. You saw the world differently. The way the light fell on your child's face did not go unnoticed by you. You saw the way the clouds formed allowing the natural light to penetrate just so. You noticed the array of colors in the moss on the rocks.

Five Tips for Kicking the Photography Doldrums | northern California Photographer
You've been there. When you were first bitten by the photography bug, you were obsessed. Everything involved photography. You couldn't image being stuck in the 'photography doldrums'. Learning everything you could about photography was your primary goal. You saw the world differently. The way the light fell on your child's face did not go unnoticed by you. You saw the way the clouds formed allowing the natural light to penetrate just so. You noticed the array of colors in the moss on the rocks.