Project 365, 2022, Week 21
During this week while shooting for my Project 365, 2022, Week 21, I was also photographing content for a macro photography class. I’ve taken several macro classes in the past, but I find that it always serves me well to brush up on techniques, perhaps learn something new, and always experience inspiration from other classmates in any photography workshop that I take.
Keep Learning
I enjoy hearing the perspectives of not only the instructor, but my fellow classmates. A bonus in many classes is that the instructor will present an open critique of all the images. So, not only am I learning through my own work, but through the work of others.
Lens Choices
Once again the garden and backyard provided plenty of subject matter for me with my macro lens, as well as my long Canon 100-400mm for photographing birds that frequent the yard. This week I even included macro extensions to get in even closer to my subject. I really liked the results.
“Photography is a love affair with life.”
This week I tried to really pay attention to the light - full sun, shade, window light. Two of the below images were taken in window light, two were full sun, and three in shade. Can you identify the quality of light in each? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below.
Just for kicks, click these links to see images for my May 2020 Project 366 and May 2017. I think it is always fun to look back especially to see my improvement and the possible similarities and differences in subject matter.
Just for FUN!
As a fun bonus, I filmed the humming birds at the garden feeder one morning. They seemed particularly active. I always enjoy their appearance in the garden and yard.
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As a published, featured northern California fine art photographer living in the greater Sacramento area, I specialize in fine art landscape and still life photography. My style is authentic, fresh and personality-driven. I offer several educational opportunities. You can learn about them by going to SERVICES. While currently living in rural northern California with my husband and a couple thousand walnut trees, I post regularly to Instagram.
Please CONTACT ME with any questions or to schedule your learning session.
Serving Yuba City/Marysville, East Nicolaus, Wheatland, Lincoln, Woodland, Davis, Roseville, Rocklin, and the greater Sacramento area.
(530) 633-7575